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Sewer Authority

Sewer Lateral Ordinance

In July of 2022, the township changed its ordinance to the Private Sewer Lateral Inspection Ordinance, this is required upon every property transfer for residential properties connected to the sewer system in the township.  Commercial and private sewer systems are going to be televised every 10 years with communication to the property owners regarding the process and expectations.  The township requires the current owner/realtor of the property to have their lateral televised by a certified plumber or contractor.  Please review the information and have the plumber/contractor fill out the PRIVATE SEWER LATERAL INSPECTION FORM then return it to the township as directed on the form.  

Closing Certificate Requests

Please review the information linked here to obtain the required certificates for closings/property transfers. The township will process the request upon completion and approval of the Sewer Lateral Inspection.  This form can be printed and submitted to the township with payment via mail or in person Utility Certificate Request PDF.

Sewer Rental Fee

Beginning with the April 1, 2024, Utility Bills, there will be an increase in the Quarterly Sewer Rental Fee to cover Capital Improvement Projects for an aging sewer system.